Faith Fellowship Church wants to partner with you to help in the spiritual training of your children at every stage in life!
We use Superkid Academy Curriculum.
  Ordinary Kids doing extraordinary things through the power of God's Word!
Child's age as of September 1st determines their class.

GENESIS: Age 6 months through 2 years
LITTLE DISCIPLES: 3 years through Preschool Age
Our Preschool Sunday Children's classes are led by Teaching teams who train and work with children 6 months old through preschool. Children learn how Jesus loves them through
- Foundational Bible Stories
- Interractive Music
- Dramas, Activities and more!

(SUPERKIDS Curriculum Enhanced by 252 basics)
- High-energy praise and worship - led by youth group members
- Interactive Bible Lesson
- Live Drama Skits
- Object Lessons
- Activity Centers and more!
On Sunday mornings, SUPERKIDS worship with their families in the sanctuary for the adult worship service. Then immediately after announcements they are dismissed to their own services. All children are signed in with our security system and parents are given a token with which they may pick up their children after the service. All of our volunteers have passed a comprehensive background check and have been trained to provide a fun and rewarding experience for your children.
Ministering to children is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. We would love for you to pray about becoming a part of our Children's Ministry Team. We have teacher, teacher assistant and administrative opportunities available, as well as drama, music, attendance and security. Faith Fellowship Children’s Church is excited about joining you and Loving Children, Equipping Lives!
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